Page 11 - Album Catedrala Episcopala 2020
P. 11



                    The  anniversary  of  a  decade  since  the  consecration  of  the  new  episcopal  cathedral  in
             Caransebeș under the patronage of the Holy Resurrection and St. Prophet Elijah the Tishbite,
             offers us the opportunity of a retrospective on the troubled history of the Diocese of Caransebeș.
             Undoubtedly,  after  the  founding  of  the  diocese  in  1865,  the  most  important  moment  is  the
             consecration of the new episcopal cathedral, on September 12, 2010. This noble desideratum
             was fulfilled with much sacrifice, over a century, like any other longing which is accomplished with
             difficulty, but lasts for many centuries. The unfulfilled desire of many generations, of hierarchs,
             priests and believers, the new episcopal cathedral was perfected by the will of the Most Merciful
             God during our episcopate in Caransebeș.

                    From the moment of election as hierarch of this historic diocese, on February 8, 2006, I felt
             the pressure of responsibility for the completion of the works and the consecration of the cathedral.
             In the inaugural speech on the day of the enthronement, February 26, 2006, I proclaimed as
             main priority the completion of the construction works and the service in the new cathedral, in
             the shortest possible time.  Since then, I have felt the zeal and unfulfilled desire of the forerunners
             such as Bishop Miron Cristea and Bishop Veniamin Nistor. This failure, together with the efforts of
             Metropolitan Nicolae of Banat, Bishop Emilian Birdaș and His Eminence Laurențiu, Metropolitan
             of Transylvania, former Bishop of Caransebeș, determined us not to spare any effort to break the
             chain of failures regarding this great objective. Reached the height of + 8 m, in the fall of 2006, the
             episcopal cathedral resumed its path of foundation, rising to the sky, from where the moral founders
             had been waiting for it for almost a century.
                    The four years of intense work were full of trials, administrative and financial difficulties.
             There were also many moments when we felt crushed by helplessness, finding ourselves unable to
             continue the work. In the most difficult moments, Christ the Lord was with us, teaching us and

             assuring us that this place of prayer belongs to Him. In such moments miracles were performed
             and  the  works  did  not  stop.  Good  people,  institutions  and  their  leaders,  priests,  believers  and
             providential conjunctures were constant, which in addition to our burning desire, intertwined in an
             unceasing prayer for a new place for Our Lord. That is why I considered, from the beginning, that
             the construction of the cathedral was done not only through human effort, but especially through
             prayer and unconditional devotion. Visiting the site often to supervise the works, I also felt the joy
             of the craftsmen to build a building with a symbolic value for the Mountainous Banat and for many
             generations. The same sacrificial joy was in the hearts of the clergy and monks of the diocese,
             who encouraged and supported our work, being fully confident of the importance of the moment.
             Therefore, at the end of the works, at the foot of the Holy Table we placed the akathists of all the
             clergy and monks in the diocese, as a symbol of the fact that this cathedral is the mother of all

             churches and monasteries in the diocese.
                    From a personal perspective, I felt that the completion and consecration of the Episcopal
             Cathedral  in  Caransebeș  is  the  symbolic  foundation  of  our  activity  as  Bishop,  just  as  the  re-
             founding of the monastery Izvorul Miron – Românești was the fulfilment of the work as abbot of
             this Banat monastic hearth. Providentially, I believe that God has entrusted us with the mission

               1  The Diocesan Sheet, new series, 7  year, no. 1-2 (131-132), January-February 2006, ISSN 1223-9461, pp. 6-7.
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