Page 12 - Album Catedrala Episcopala 2020
P. 12


             of completing the soul foundations of Bishop Miron Cristea.  Therefore, in consultation with His
             Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, I proposed that the second patron saint of the cathedral be placed
             under the protection of St. Prophet Elijah the Tishbite, the spiritual protector of the first patriarch
             of Romania, former bishop of Caransebeș between 1910-1919, the patron of the monastery Izvorul
             Miron – Românești, but also the spiritual patron of the whole Banat.
                    The feast of the consecration of the cathedral by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, together
             with a large part of the members of the Holy Synod, inscribed in the history of the diocese the seal
             of the revival of the episcopal tradition in Caransebeș. We believe that this historic moment healed
             the wound of the dissolution of the diocese in 1949  and the time of the crucifixion, between 1949
             and 1994. The solemnities occasioned by this historic moment were emotional and full of spiritual
             satisfaction for contemporaries, as could be seen from the large presence of the authorities, the

             clergy and the believers at this event. From the day of the consecration until now, our episcopal
             cathedral represents a multiple spiritual, historical, urban and architectural landmark, not only
             for the municipality of Caransebeș, but for the entire Caraș-Severin county. All these events are
             highlighted in this collection album, which through its lyrics, but especially through images, tells us
             about the course of the founding of the new episcopal cathedral and its purpose today.
                    Therefore, we bless this work of remembrance in images of the founding of our episcopal
             cathedral, but also of highlighting its importance in the decade since the time of the founding until
             now. We especially congratulate Father Archimandrite Casian Rușeț, cultural counsellor at the
             Diocese of Caransebeș and all those who have worked hard, so that a decade after the consecration
             of the episcopal cathedral, this album should see the light of day. We also invite all the founders
             and benefactors of this holy place to discover the mysteries and beauty of a founding pilgrimage
             sprinkled with sacrifices, miracles and spiritual joys.

                                                                                                † LUCIAN
                                                                                       Bishop of Caransebeș

               2  The “Izvorul Miron” Monastery in Românești was founded by Bishop Miron Cristea during the canonical
             visit in the Făget archpriestship, on July 3-7, 1911 and was completed in the early 2000s during our term as
             abbot of this monastery; The idea of founding the Episcopal Cathedral in Caransebeș was promulgated in
             the inaugural speech of the installation in Caransebeș of Bishop Miron Cristea on April 25 / May 8, 1910
             and was completed on September 12, 2010, during our pastorate in Caransebeș.
               3  The dissolution of the diocese was announced by Patriarch Justinian Marina during the visit of September
             12, 1948 according to Pr. Dimitrie Băloni, A question and an answer, in “Altarul Banatului”, 7  year, no. 4-6,
             April-June 1996, p. 171.
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